
Une fleur de lin

Linen is the oldest natural fabric and by far the most environmentally friendly of them all. With a low global carbon footprint, no pesticides or solvants necessary for its culture, and not a lot of water necessary either, we for sure speak the same language. Not to forget its incomparable look, soft and resistant quality and breathability !

Let’s start from the beginning :

The perfect climate to cultivate linen is a temperate one with just the perfect balance of rain and sun.

When the frost season is over, it’s time for the farmer to start sowing. About 100 days after the plant is mature and blossoming with captivating blue flowers for 2 or 3 weeks. After that, around the end of June, the flowers have morphed into seeds full pods. That’s when the entire plant is harvest (pulled to be more exact). Indeed all parts of the plant, even the roots, is used after all, so every plant is uprooted.

Even if the harvest and after the weaving process are more complexe than most other natural fabrics, it’s still a fiber of choice and even the demand is increasing by the years.

There are many reasons for that, one of the main is that linen is a zero waste fiber, like we just said all the plant is used in some kind of way, the fibers to make fabrics, but also some composite materials, and ornaments. Then the seeds, rich in omega 3, are very appreciated in the kitchen and food industry as it or as oil. Finally the shives are used in farming, gardening, the energy and building industries.

To sum things up here, #welovelinen !!

If you want to learn more about linen, you can check this link :

Excellence and local culture :

Linen has been cultivated for thousands years in Europe, nowadays 80% of the global production is still based in West Europe mainly France, Belgium and Netherland. This is also where we find the best fabric quality.

We are sourcing our linen from a family-owned weaving mills located in Belgium established since 1858.

Ecology :

The culture of linen has a very low carbon footprint because of the minimal processing and transportation needed from the yield to the different steps leading to the fabric itself. And in addition, the plant participate in the absorption of the carbone dioxyde up to 3.7 tons/ha.

Sustainability :

Because the fibers are long and woven tight, linen is the most resistant natural fabric of them all. So resistant that your linen clothes will last longer than you for sure. Don’t take it personally but indeed do you know the oldest dress of all time is made of linen, it’s Egyptian and is more than 5000 years old. Impressive isn’t it !

But if for any reason you wanted to bury your clothes before their time, it will be a pity but know it’s totally biodegradable so still kind of fine, the planet won’t be too mad about it 🙃🌍

Qualities :

Linen is a naturally breathing and thermoregulator fiber that is very popular during summer especially when the temperature rises and we crave soft, light and breathable fabrics on our skin.

However this thermoregulating property applies for the cold as well, linen keeps you warm in the winter and the mid-season just as it did keep you cool in the summer. That makes linen a perfect 4 seasons fabric, ready to go in any situation !

Care : 

Our care instructions

Linen is known for its easy wrinkling, it’s considered chic but if you want to reduce the creases we recommend to lie out flat your clothes to dry and to not let them too long in the washing machine once this one has ended. Also you can easily steam or iron your garments.

Linen x ‘ili :

You find linen in our first design’s bottom and « saree » . We wanted to bring the quality of linen to this first model since it’s based on movement, nature, confort and style.